Wednesday’s court hearings in the YSL trial were a little unsettling when someone started shouting behind the chamber doors during a break, upsetting others present.

Young Thug, according to WSB-TV, was watching the proceedings from a table in the middle of the courtroom. In the courtroom, three persons were handcuffed.

When police left the courthouse, it was discovered that defendant Rodalius Ryan, aka Lil Rod, had been led away and was now yelling from a holding cell. Then, defendants Coradrius Dorsey and Christian Eppinger shouted for him to be let out of the cell.

Related: Video Of Young Thug Looking Tired In Court

An attorney for Dorsey told journalist Mark Winne, “All of a sudden they take Mr. Ryan, the young child, I mean, he’s a kid, they take him to the back, and we can hear him screaming.” “We can hear him yelling for assistance in the courtroom. And we are all perplexed.

Still no jury has been chosen.


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