In early 2024, Google AdMob will offer programmatic bidding on inventory qualified for limited advertisements.
This new serving mode provides contextual programmatic demand for publishers providing limited advertisements and accepts demand from:
- Demand from Google.
- Authorized Purchasers.
- Unrestricted Bidders.
- Bidding with SDK.
This tool provides publishers with the opportunity to enhance revenue through programmatic demand. However, employing invalid traffic-only cookies may have legal ramifications, so consult with your legal department before determining whether or not to utilize it.

If you utilize this new serving mode, Google will use invalid traffic detection-only cookies and local storage (independent of the user’s consent signals in limited ad requests), as well as allow programmatic demand (with an invalid traffic-only cookie and local storage).
This inventory necessitates the usage of the invalid traffic-only cookie since it is critical in protecting against invalid traffic, which is required for programmed demand.
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What exactly is programmed demand? Programmatic demand is a function that can increase the amount of money you make from Google advertisements in your Web Stories. It’s also useful for filling up Web Story ad unit line items.

What exactly is invalid traffic? Invalid traffic is defined as any traffic that was not generated by a real user with genuine interest. This could include:
- Unintentional clicks as a result of obtrusive ad implementations.
- False clicks from competitor advertisers.
- Advertising botnets, among other things.
READ MORE: Google Ads Is Experimenting With A New Overview Dashboard For Marketers
Because publishers are legally accountable for the technologies they employ, Google has made programmatic bidding on limited ads an optional feature. Opinions may differ on whether user consent is required for faulty traffic-only cookies and local storage.

Google advises publishers to talk with their legal teams before deciding whether to use this functionality, taking into account legislation and regulatory guidance. Publishers must determine if the use of invalid traffic-only cookies and local storage on their sites/apps necessitates user consent.
Publishers who do not wish to employ invalid traffic-only cookies and local storage without user permission should disable this option.
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